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Parkway's admission policy was developed to maintain Christian values and best academic practices necessary to educate students. All prospective students in grades KP - 8 are assessed and academic records are required prior to acceptance.
The admissions' committee reserves the right to maintain standards for student conduct, dress, personal appearance, and scholarship. The goal of the committee is to assess students before admission to identify the student's needs and the ability of PCS to meet them.
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What are the Core Beliefs of Parkway Christian Church?As members of Parkway Christian Church, we confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world. In Christ’s name and by His grace, we accept our mission of witness and service to all people. We rejoice in God, the maker of heaven and earth, and in the covenant of love, which binds us to God and one another. Through baptism into Christ, we enter into newness of life and are made one with the whole people of God. In the communion of the Holy Spirit, we are joined together in discipleship and in obedience to Christ. Within the universal 7 church, we receive the gift of ministry and the light of scripture. In the bonds of Christian faith, we yield ourselves to God who we serve, the One whose kingdom has no end. Blessing, glory and honor be to God forever. Amen. Christian spirituality is a way of life that relates to who and what we are and to whom and what God is as revealed in Jesus Christ and as experienced through the Holy Spirit. We encourage one another in the spiritual disciplines and practices through which we open ourselves to being shaped by God. Those disciplines include prayer, Bible study, worship, stewardship, service, study of the church’s tradition and hospitality to strangers. Our spiritual development ministries range from teaching children to love Jesus to helping adults live Christ-like lives. One of these ministries is Parkway Christian School. We are devoted to excellence in the spiritual development of the children attending, as well as their educational development. Our goal is to prepare students to live in a diverse society with their Christian Faith centered on Christ’s love, example, and teaching. Blessing, glory and honor be to God forever. Amen.
What are Parkway Christian School's Foundational Objectives?●To aim to glorify God in all that we do. ● To build the foundation of our school on Christ, Character and Community. ● To maintain an innovative curriculum that strives towards excellence. ● To demonstrate character traits and the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians. We expect responsible, ethical, and Christ-centered behavior both personally and professionally. ● To encourage open communication and creative thinking. ● To promote teamwork among the entire Parkway family that will enhance our community spirit. ● To encourage and enhance student, parent, and family relationships.
What is our Portrait of a Graduate?Parkway’s Portrait of a Graduate allows parents, constituents and prospective students to get a snapshot of what our students look like when they graduate. Our goal is to create and maintain a partnership between home and school to develop the following qualities. Poised Self-advocacy Selfless Goal Oriented Virtuous Forward Thinker Confident Character Driven Motivated Disciple of Christ Relational Global Awareness Organized Positive Digital Citizen Respectful Effective Communicator Responsible Critical/Analytical Thinker Well Rounded Involved in Community Outreach
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